Начало / What's on / Tuesday in Muzeiko

What's on:

Tuesday in Muzeiko


Today in Muzeiko:
1. Open Art Zone – Polar Bears (Suitable for children 5+ years)
In this creative activity, children will immerse themselves in the world of polar bears by making bear portraits. Did you know that these fluffy giants that we see as white are actually... black? Yes, it's true! Their white fur is essentially transparent and simply reflects light, so it appears white to us humans.
Floor 1, Lobby
From 10:00 to 18:00


2. Planetarium – A walk in the Solar system (Suitable for children 6+ years)
Children and parents will embark on a journey into outer space. Let's look at the sky together and try to get to know our closest neighbors – the planets of the Solar system. What features does each of them have and could we really visit them someday? At what speed do we need to move to overcome Earth's gravity to take off? Discover the answers to these and many other questions at Muzeiko's planetarium.
Capacity: 13 people per show Price: 2 BGN
From 13:30 to 13:55

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