Начало / What's on / Thursday in Muzeiko

What's on:

Thursday in Muzeiko


1. The toddlers play and learn (Suitable for children 2+ years)
Children will have at their disposal a constructor and props for role-playing games, with which we will challenge their dexterity, imagination, and fine motor skills. The game with different elements will give them the opportunity to solve different challenges, distribute roles, build relationships with each other and practice social skills.
floor 0; hall 1
From 10:00 to 18:00

2. Open art zone – Snowman (Suitable for children 5+ years)
With this creative activity, children develop their imagination and creativity. Everyone will have the opportunity to make their own snowman with materials at hand.
floor 1, lobby
From 10:00 to 18:00

3. Planetarium – Onward to the Moon (Suitable for children 6+ years old)
You will experience the exciting space history of the exploration of the Earth's satellite – from the first man to fly into space to the first astronaut to set foot on the Moon. From the past, you will look to the future and the most interesting space missions that are ahead. Welcome to our Planetarium on floor 2
Capacity: 13 people per show Price: 2 BGN
From 13:30 to 13:55; in English

*Muzeiko reserves the right to make changes to the program.

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